Dr. Dhruba Raj Pant holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Development Sociology from Wageningen University. Currently, he works as an independent Researcher/Consultant and a Member of Advisory Committee of Ph.D. student of University of Agricultural and Forestry, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. He has more than 40 years of working experience as administrator, researcher and consultant for Government and International Agencies. In the past, he has worked as Head of the Nepal Office for International Water Management Institute. Furthermore, he has experience in consulting services to Asian Development Bank, World BanK, GTZ, ITDG, SNV in the area of Sustainable Development, Land and Water Resource Development and Environmental Management. Regarding academic involvement, he has also worked as Program Coordinator of Masters Program in Natural Resource Management of Nepal Engineering College in the past.
Last Updated: August 24, 2020 by naan
Dr. Dhurba Raj Pant
Dr. Dhruba Raj Pant holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Development Sociology from Wageningen University. Currently, he works as an independent Researcher/Consultant and a Member of Advisory Committee of Ph.D. student of University of Agricultural and Forestry, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. He has more than 40 years of working experience as administrator, researcher and consultant for Government and International Agencies. In the past, he has worked as Head of the Nepal Office for International Water Management Institute. Furthermore, he has experience in consulting services to Asian Development Bank, World BanK, GTZ, ITDG, SNV in the area of Sustainable Development, Land and Water Resource Development and Environmental Management. Regarding academic involvement, he has also worked as Program Coordinator of Masters Program in Natural Resource Management of Nepal Engineering College in the past.
Category: IKF 2020